Having a business development process seems like a pretty obvious thing for any company to have. However, simply having a process in place is only part of the equation. For optimal results, your business development process needs to be clearly defined to everyone involved in following and supporting it.
Now before I go any further, I want to talk about the “everyone involved” in your absolutely amazing business development process. Business development is not just a sales practice. In order to adequately develop said business, there are multiple parties involved.
Your Business Development Process includes everyone!
In simplest terms, business development is the betterment of your business wherever possible. This means increasing revenue, lowering costs, growth/expansion, bettering partnerships/strategic alliances, and making overall better business decisions.
This scope of activity requires work from every department of your business.
Salespeople alone cannot carry the weight of the betterment of the business. This is why your business development process must be clearly defined. And the first step to accomplishing that clarity is having everyone involved aware that they are!… Continue Reading